
HIV and Drug Users Who Inject in the Philippines

This is short tour through a “shooting gallery” (crack house) I went to in the Philippines while I was working on a story about rates of HIV among drug users who inject (DUWI); the gist of which is that the number of cases exploded after a syringe exchange program (SEP) operating in Cebu City was canned back in 2009.

It’s only one part of a much bigger phenomena–the Philippines is one of only seven countries where HIV is on the rise–but an important one. The flow on effect, the spread of HIV into the wider community, is already evident: free HIV testing for pregnant women, between 2010 to 2014, has uncovered 40 cases of HIV.

Melbourne Bike Trail Funding Scrapped (Aired on Channel 31)

When the East West Link was abandoned a tonne of funding for new bike trails in and around Melbourne went with it. This piece explores what cyclists lost in this change of policy and what cyclists in Melbourne need to make the city a more cycle friendly place.

This footage was sourced from around Melbourne parklands and bike trails. It includes interviews with Garry Brennan, Bicycle Network Victoria, and Peter Campbell from the Boroondara Bicycle Users Group.

Trash in Moonee Ponds Creek, Melbourne

Moonee Ponds Creek from Flemington Bridge Station down to Docklands, in Melbourne, is filled with litter. It runs along side a train line, underneath City Link, and is a receptacle for much of the inner city storm water.

This piece addresses the issue of litter in Melbourne’s waterways. It includes interviews with Kaye Oddie of the Friends of Moonee Ponds Creek; Oliver Jones, Senior Lecturer of Analytical Chemistry at RMIT; and Leon Metzeling, Freshwater Expert with the Environmental Protection Authority.